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Train with leading experts in evidence-based pedagogy:

  • Our effective teaching model uses explicit instruction pedagogy, programs and practices based on scientific evidence.
  • All content is customised to support the Australian Curriculum areas of English and Maths to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes.
  • Techniques and practices can be immediately applied in the classroom.
  • Student engagement, confidence and results are immediately visible.
  • Read about our expert team.
  • See our school professional development brochure.

Register now

Complete the details below to register for training on the following dates:

    Ordering five or more tickets? Contact us to receive a 25% discount.


    $350 + GST

    Participants who complete the full session receive a Certificate of Recognition

    Ordering for five or more people? Contact us to receive a 25% discount

    All attendees receive a copy of Effective teaching guide valued at $65



    Introduction to Effective Teaching

    This introductory course is suitable for all school roles, including teacher, teaching assistant, head of department and principal. It explores a range of effective teaching programs, techniques and practices to meet school and classroom needs.

    Learning intent

    Participants will be able to:

    • Understand and describe effective teaching as an educational philosophy
    • Compare and contrast effective teaching explicit instruction with other pedagogies
    • Describe mastery teaching and rationale
    • Understand and describe components of Direct Instruction (DI)
    • Apply DI components to instructional practice (e.g. signals, corrections, questioning strategies, active monitoring)
    • Understand and describe components of Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)
    • Apply EDI components to instructional practice (pair-share, modelling thinking, checking for understanding)
    • Identify key classroom attributes underpinning effective teaching (routines and expectations, positive reinforcement)
    • Understand and be able to describe cycles of school practice that support continuous improvement in a classroom and across a school

    Leading Effective Teaching Programs

    To be advised.

    Learning intent

    To be advised.

    Introduction to Effective Teaching is a one-day course. Leading Effective Teaching Programs is a three-day course.